To send a gift, please proceed as follows:
1. Go to [Shop].
2. On the right side you have 3 Tabs in which you may gift Items from:
- [Limited Time], [Outfits] and [Others].
3. Tap on the Tab and then the Item you wish to gift.
4. Tap on the [Gift Box] icon on the left side of the [Buy Now] button.
5. Choose the friend you wish gift the item to and tap [Give].
Please note:
- You cannot gift Clothes/Items that you already own and have in your inventory.
- You can only gift clothes/Items that you buy with UC.
- On the [Others] Tab you can only Gift Crate Coupon Scraps.
1. Go to [Shop].
2. On the right side you have 3 Tabs in which you may gift Items from:
- [Limited Time], [Outfits] and [Others].
3. Tap on the Tab and then the Item you wish to gift.
4. Tap on the [Gift Box] icon on the left side of the [Buy Now] button.
5. Choose the friend you wish gift the item to and tap [Give].
Please note:
- You cannot gift Clothes/Items that you already own and have in your inventory.
- You can only gift clothes/Items that you buy with UC.
- On the [Others] Tab you can only Gift Crate Coupon Scraps.