If you wish to create a new account, you can do so by following the steps:
1. Logout from your Social Media account via the Social Media application.
2. Restart the game, tap on the Social Media you wish to create your new account on and login with a new Social Media Account that has never been linked to Battleground Mobile India
3. Select your gender.
4. Edit your appearance.
5. Tap on the nickname box and enter your desired nickname
*Please note that the game will automatically input your Facebook name as the player's nickname if you are using Facebook. However, you may change the name when you are in the creation interface by tapping on the nickname.
6. After confirming all the above, tap on Create.
*Please note that duplicate nicknames are not allowed, if it shows that the nickname is taken, please choose another nickname.
1. Logout from your Social Media account via the Social Media application.
2. Restart the game, tap on the Social Media you wish to create your new account on and login with a new Social Media Account that has never been linked to Battleground Mobile India
3. Select your gender.
4. Edit your appearance.
5. Tap on the nickname box and enter your desired nickname
*Please note that the game will automatically input your Facebook name as the player's nickname if you are using Facebook. However, you may change the name when you are in the creation interface by tapping on the nickname.
6. After confirming all the above, tap on Create.
*Please note that duplicate nicknames are not allowed, if it shows that the nickname is taken, please choose another nickname.